Saturday, February 9, 2008

Girl's sleepover!!!!!

We picked up Ashley(Tom's) and Sarah and Mary (Jim's) and tood them to the Olive Garden for dinner and then stopped for movies and treats.  They snuggled up with blankets, pillows and treats downstairs for TWO movies and bless Bud's heart he stayed awake and then they decided that grandpa needed to see Hairspray!!  Well it wouldn't work on the dvd downstairs so all five of us ended up in our big bed with Molly trying to find her spot to curl up and shooting us daggers because there were too many legs, and the girls singing every song at the top of their lungs until 2:45 am.  Next thing I knew they were all telling me good bye and promising not to be grumpy today.  Bud had gotten up and fixed them pancakes and eggs and was ready to take them home.  It was so much fun to see Bud having so much fun with them. Just made me miss "MY" girls SO BAD!!!!  We are going up to Perry to see a play that Aunt Sharon is in tonight.  So I need to get my sweaty body taken care of (I just exercised) and clean up the mess we made and try to not crawl back into bed with Molly.  She follows me wherever I go and curls up and sleeps until I move again.  I don't think she appreciated the party esp when we wouldnt let her near the treats.  POOR DOG!!!

Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Let it Snow Let it Snow Let it Snow!!!!

I love this time of year esp. with all the beautiful snow we have gotten.  I don't understand why people complain about it so.  I just tell them I feel like a bunny rabbit hibernating with books, movies, tv, food, games and nothing that absolutely has to be done.  Before we know it March and April will be here and yard work and summer activities will be on us.  The only thing I hate about this time of year is a dirty garage.  I am so new at this that I hope Mollie's picture comes up where it should and as you will see she gets the idea!!!